Do you work in an office that is constantly using and purchasing paper? Do you have trouble keeping track of how much inventory you have remaining, how much youve spent on a certain item, or when youll need to purchase more? Well, if this sounds like you, then youre in luck! Inventory Tracker is a robust tracking app that allows you the piece-of-mind of no longer having to struggle keeping track of paper inventory.
What It Does
— Keeps a sorted list of your current inventory where the amounts that need re-purchasing automatically rise to the top of the list based on parameters that youve set up.
— Puts contact information for each of you suppliers at your fingertips. No more having to google for their phone numbers or address.
— Provides a built-in paper cut calculator. No more guessing about how many items you can fit on a sheet. Simply type in the size of the raw material and the size of the product and instantly know how much material youll need to order.
— Keep track of your spending. Do you want to know how much youve spent on a particular project. Well, youll no longer need to go rummaging through paperwork. The answer is just a click away!
More features are on the way...